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Using Time-Blocking to Master Productivity with Flexibility

podcast May 23, 2023

Do you wish you had a better way to manage your time? Do you look at other female entrepreneurs and wonder how they are able to do it all? Do you struggle to prioritize what matters most?

The answer is time-blocking! In this episode, I’ll share how time-blocking has given me the ability to work when I’m at my best and the flexibility to fit in all the unexpected things from school trips to sick babies. Discover how time-blocking can help you work more productively even if you only have a little bit of time to commit to your business each day.

 Listen in and learn:

  • Why I don’t believe in work-life balance but HARMONY instead
  • What is a “brain dump,” when you should do it and why
  • How weekly and monthly goals should influence weekly priorities
  • How many tasks to prioritize each day and how to choose them
  • The importance of scheduling “white space” at the start/end of each day
  • Why scheduling every hour of the day doesn’t work
  • The importance of creating a schedule that works with your personality and season of life
  • I shares details about my daily schedule and how I use small pockets of time
  • How to plan your week to take advantage of high-energy days 
  • How to create a schedule if you run multiple businesses
  • The importance of planning rest so you can be at your best

Mentioned in this episode:

Learn how to build a 7-figure business using personal branding, duplicatable systems, and magnetic marketing without sacrificing family time!

Want to join in the next round of Blueprint to Social Selling? Join the waitlist HERE!

Follow me on IG:  @sevenstrongco

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