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The Real Reason You Need an Email List

podcast Apr 09, 2024

When I started email marketing 9 years ago, things looked quite a bit different. And we have come a long way from me sending emails one by one from my Gmail account after bedtime, but that is where it all started. And for the last 9 years, my email list has been my biggest source of predictable revenue in both my businesses.

Yes, I can teach you how to grow on social media, and I love doing that, but if you want to grow and scale your business without spending all your time on social media, you need to build an email list. 

In this episode, I am sharing:
- My story of where we started with email marketing (it wasn’t pretty)
- How much email marketing has impacted my business growth of the last 9 years
- The truth about social media, and how little control you have
- Why I will never stop growing an email list
- The biggest reason you need a list (and its not because you might lose your social media account)

Plus, I shared more about my new free workbook that walks you through how to create an irresistible lead magnet that converts your followers into clients while you sleep. Want to check it out? 

Head to https://www.sevenstrong.com/leadmagnet

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