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Time-Saving Hacks: The Faster Way to Create a Week's Worth of Instagram Content

podcast Jan 16, 2024

If “create content” keeps falling further and further down your to-do list, I am sharing a life changing hack for you today.

As a business owner, you are already wearing many different hats. CEO, Bookkeeper, Product Creator, Website Developer, and Head of Marketing, just to name a few. Plus the hats you wear the other hours of the day, Parent, Spouse, and more. For a lot of online business owners, creating social media content is the thing that gets pushed further and further down the list, until its been days (if not weeks) since you last posted.

Sound familiar?

As a mom, wife and owner of two online businesses, I have absolutely been there. And on today’s podcast, I am breaking down how I create content for two brand accounts without spending my whole day on my phone.

Don’t worry, I am not going to waste your time with the same borning tips you’ve already heard (I know how precious your time is with all those hats on) so I am getting real and honest about what I am doing in MY business, and how you can do it too.

This week, I am breaking down

- My simple weekly planning system, that makes actually creating content way faster
- The game changing content batching technique you haven’t seen before
- How to consistently show up on stories by leveraging Habit Stacking the importance of creating content when your energy is highest
- How to leverage your content to hit your quarterly goals by reverse engineering the process
- My effective (and time saving) strategies to capture more B-roll so you always have content waiting in the wings
- How I use tech (specifically Manychat, ChatGPT and Schedulers) to make the whole system automation friendly

Want to learn more?

Tune into this week’s episode below!

Plus listen in for an exclusive discount code to get your first month of access to The Seven Strong Society for only $1! 

Hi, I’m Holly Hillyer–coach, wife, boy mom, and 7-figure boss. I help women like you start and scale online businesses in small pockets of time so you can make more money while also building a life that allows you to be present with the people you love most.💛

Are you ready to get the collaboration, confidence, and community you need to make more income and impact? Find out more about Seven Strong Society here!


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