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Take the Stress Out of Sales with Josh Coats

podcast Oct 31, 2023

Are you having great 1:1 conversations with potential clients, but no one is buying? Josh Coats has been there too. He got tired of getting paid with pats on the back and discovered the secret to creating an irresistible offer that people would pay for. 

Josh is a Wall Street Journal #1 Best Selling author and founder of Push Coach Certification School, a program that certified coaches and leaders to make an impact and change the world. He has trained over 40k entrepreneurs in his online trainings and has helped seven reps in two different companies to go Top 10.

Josh combines his life coaching background with his passion for sales and marketing to make business strategy easy for his clients. He believes in pushing past limiting beliefs and creating intentional plans to grow your business, leadership, and life to the next level.

Listen in and learn:

  • Josh’s story of going from broke musician to successful life/business coach
  • How the law of familiarity may be preventing you from making more sales
  • The key to creating an irresistible offer
  • How to build a “belief bridge” that helps people buy
  • 3 key questions you need to ask when talking to prospective clients
  • How the sales process is similar to coaching
  • The gap you need to close in order to make a sale

As heard on this episode:

Sign up for Josh’s 21-Day Anti-Sales Bootcamp. All proceeds for this month will be donated to Josh’s mother-in-law's fight against bone cancer, and every month after will go to a project that directly impacts life-change for a specific person.

Josh will be giving a special coupon code to get 50% off and even giving away some prizes live on the call!!!

Connect with Josh Coats on Instagram, listen to his podcast, or check out his website.

Hi, I’m Holly Hillyer–coach, wife, boy mom, and 7-figure boss. I help women like you start and scale online businesses in small pockets of time so you can make more money while also building a life that allows you to be present with the people you love most.💛

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