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Simplify and Streamline with a Weekly Content Plan

podcast May 09, 2023

Are you overwhelmed by content creation? Are you frustrated by the amount of time you spend creating content only to be left wondering if it’s actually worth the work? Do you wish you had a better content strategy plan that aligns with your business goals and brand identity? 

In today’s episode, we’re going from the “big picture” vision casting that we talked about in Episode 9, and we’re getting tactical about how to create relevant and valuable content for your potential clients. You’ll learn how to simplify and streamline content creation for email and social media marketing to give you maximum impact with minimal stress!

Hi, I’m Holly Hillyer–coach, wife, boy mom, and 7-figure boss. I help women like you start and scale online businesses in small pockets of time so you can make more money while also building a life that allows you to be present with the people you love most.💛

Listen in and learn:

  • The importance of creating content that supports your weekly goals 
  • The negative impacts of inconsistency on the Instagram algorithm
  • How to take the “I” out of sales and adopt a “sales is service” mindset
  • Why you should identify the problems and the emotions of your ideal clients
  • How to deemphasize products and focus on transformation
  • Tips and tools for pre-scheduling and batching content to save time
  • Where, when, and how to use a “call to action”
  • How to keep the customer journey simple and easy for greater success
  • How automation can free up your time as a business owner
  • The importance of creating a cohesive content story in your feed

Creating a weekly content plan not only allows you to stay consistent with your content creation, it helps you serve your ideal client better while also meeting your broader business goals.


Learn how to build a 7-figure business using personal branding, duplicatable systems, and magnetic marketing without sacrificing family time!

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