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My Favorite Business Development Books

business development personal development May 23, 2023

When I first started my business I dove into personal development headfirst and then I realized to get to the next level that I would need to invest in business development. This can come in the form of courses, masterminds, memberships and of course books! Here are some of my favorites that changed my business! 

Building a Storybrand and Marketing Made Simple: I am a HUGE Donald Miller fan! His book Building a Storybrand changed my business and his next book Marketing Made Simple took it one step further. If you are looking to incorporate storytelling into your business (and you should be) start here!

Launch: Wondering how to set up email marketing to have your biggest launch yet? This is your book.

Retention Point: Finding your customers is just step one. Serving and keeping them is the next most important step and this book steps you through how to do just that!

Traffic Secrets and Expert Secrets: Traffic Secrets breaks down how to bring people to your websites and funnels to start converting while you sleep and Expert Secrets is your game plan to creating a killer launch webinar.

Traction: If you are hiring and setting up a team this book is crucial for doing it right in a way that takes more off your plate and allows you to scale faster.

Clockwork: Another great book on building a business and TEAM that allows you to scale with less time.


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